Calendar and Schedule Changes

Jan 11, 2021

Please note these upcoming changes to our calendar. We are changing our scheduled PD Green Day from Friday, February 5 to Friday, February 12. Students will attend a full day of remote learning on Friday, February 5. There will be no school on Friday, February 12, Monday, February 15 (President’s Day), or Tuesday, February 16.

On Monday, January 11 student learning will take place using a slightly new schedule. Students will report to their advisory at 8:50 and attendance will be taken for the entire day through 4:15. Recognizing the importance of additional educational opportunities, students will participate in Electives and optional Enrichments through the virtual platform like first semester.

Please make sure you have reviewed the new bell schedule for your learner’s assigned Group. The schedule is posted on the Website and in Moodle.

Students/families that wish to change their choice option from A, B or C will be required to complete the Return to School Choice Form. No schedule changes will be made without this request form completed.


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