Returning and Refocusing After COVID19

Mar 13, 2021

We are all aware that the COVID19 pandemic has significantly impacted almost every aspect of our lives. The educational arena, specifically the public school system, has absolutely felt the effects of this extended, unprecedented medical crisis. As we slowly shift back into the building with an intentionally developed hybrid plan, reopening classrooms with all possible safety procedures and practices firmly in place, we must address the loss of learning experienced by the vast majority of our students. We would be remiss if we did not notice that those who have historically found school particularly challenging are returning with substantial deficits. At the same time, as the Beacon Network, we are deeply committed to providing extensive learning opportunities for each and every individual. Therefore, we must design methods of accelerating the learning of all students, including our highest achievers, if we are to exhibit an authentically equitable model of personalized academics. With this in mind, we will work to implement the following activities and experiences as we persistently pursue closing the learning gaps exacerbated by COVD19.

Possible methods of accelerating student learning across the Network include:

  1. Extended learning opportunities built into the school day.
  2. Enrichment options focused on strengthening specific academic skills.
  3. Infusing the Beacon curriculum with research-based supplemental materials created to address academic gaps.
  4. Summer Intensives designed to afford those students in need of small group and individualized instruction additional supports while redeveloping their academic footing.
  5. Block scheduling for the 2021-2022 school year, providing staff with an extended opportunity to work with students on particular concepts and learning objectives.
  6. Individualized learning labs that provide options for students based on their academic strengths, areas of challenge or particular interests.
  7. Curricular supplements that speak directly to growth in literacy for all students.

We will continue to research, evaluate and discover methods of reaching our students in order to address and ultimately, minimize the impact of the time away from the building. Our network-wide 1:1 Technology Plan has proved to be incredibly beneficial over the last year as all learners were well-versed in the Moodle platform prior to our mandatory move to Remote Learning. We are carefully reflecting on the positive outcomes and the areas of improvement encountered during that extended chapter, and will continue to seek parent and student feedback as we believe in continuous improvement in order to best serve our students. We are confident we will use the lessons learned during the global pandemic not as a explanation as to why students are behind, but as a roadmap to demonstrate the potential and purpose at the foundation of each and every learning experience for all of our students.

Be. Creative. Be. Intentional. Be. Innovative. Be. Beacon. . . 


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