BNS CMAS 2021 Schedule

Apr 9, 2021

We will be completing our CMAS testing for students that are in-person learning or those who are fully remote but are opting into testing next week. Testing will take place on Tuesday, April 13th, Wednesday, April 14th, and Thursday, April 15th during normal school hours. Please see below for details on testing for each grade level.

  • 6th Grade: Sixth grade students will complete the CMAS math tests only. There are three sections of the test and each takes 65 minutes to complete. Students will test one section in the morning each of the three days. Students will attend classes in the afternoon (based on a revised schedule). Non-testing students will not come into the building.  All learning will take place remotely.  Non-testing students will follow the schedule included below. 
  • 7th Grade: Seventh grade students will complete the CMAS literacy tests only. There are three sections of the test and each takes 110 minutes to complete. Students will test one section in the morning each of the three days. Students will attend classes in the afternoon (based on a revised schedule). Non-testing students will not come into the building.  All learning will take place remotely.  Non-testing students will follow the schedule included below. 
  • 8th Grade: Eight grade students will complete the CMAS math tests and the CMAS science tests. There are three sections of each of these tests. Each math test takes 65 minutes to complete and each science test takes 85 minutes to complete. Students will test one section of math in the morning each of the three days and one section of science in the afternoon. 8th grade students that are participating in assessments will not have classes during the three days of testing. Non-testing students will complete asynchronous lessons for each of the three days following their normal schedule. 

Families may request their student complete both math and ELA assessments if desired. If you would like your student to take BOTH assessments, please complete THIS FORM no later than Monday, April 12. If you do not complete this form, your student will only take the required assessment unless you have opted out. If you have previously opted out of CMAS testing, no further action is required.

Please help your child be rested and ready for the tests by ensuring that they go to bed at a reasonable hour and eat a hearty dinner and breakfast. We are proud of our students and excited to see how much they have learned this year. 


Full remote students and students who opt-out of testing will not come into the building during testing days.  All learning will take place remotely.  Non-testing students will follow the schedule included below.  A more detailed schedule will be included in the Moodle.   

6th & 7th Grade  Testing Student Schedule Non-testing Student Schedule
Morning Testing: 9:00 -11:13 Two asynchronous classes (independent lessons): 9:00 – 11:13
Lunch 11:17 – 12:17 11:17 – 12:17
Afternoon Two synchronous classes (live):
12:20 – 2:35
Two synchronous classes (live):
12:20 – 2:35

*Daily schedules for each grade-level will be reviewed during announcements and accessible on Moodle.  


8th Grade Testing Student Schedule Non-testing Student Schedule
Morning Testing: 9:00 -11:13 Asynchronous lessons (independent lessons) following normal morning schedule 9:10 – 12:05
Lunch 11:17 – 12:17 12:05 – 1:05
Afternoon Testing: 12:20 – 2:35 Asynchronous lesson (independent) following normal afternoon schedule 1:05-2:35


*Daily schedules for each grade-level will be reviewed during announcements and accessible on Moodle.


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