Math Required Summer Homework: Students who plan to attend GBMS or KBMS in the Fall are required to complete one or more of the summer homework options for Math. Link Below to the Math Required Summer Homework Reading Required Summer Homework: ...
Beacon News
Reflect, Reboot and Reorganize: How to Focus and Move Forward in a New Learning Environment
In these uncertain times, it’s hard to adjust to a new learning environment from home with your family and many distractions. Here are ways for you to make time for you and your schoolwork. Stay Motivated and Organized First, learning online requires flexibility,...
Keep Learning! 5 Ways to Support Remote Learning for Parents
Many schools across the United States have closed their doors to prevent the spread of Covid-19. For parents, they now face juggling work situations and basic needs while engaging their students with remote learning at home. This new reality is difficult, but a lot of...