Dolphin News

6/7th Grade Academies

6/7th Grade Academies

Reminder 6th and 7th grade academies start today, Monday August 9th and run through Thursday, August 12th. M-THURS @ 8:30am to 12:30pm Location: Grant Beacon & Kepner Beacon

Online Registration

Online Registration

Online Registration is open. If you wish to register in person you can come in August 3 & 4, 9am to 2pm or August 5th, 12noon to 6pm

Remote Learning Options 2021-2022

Remote Learning Options 2021-2022

Beacon Families- We are getting close to the end of the school year and the teams are working tirelessly to have everything ready for our students return in August.  This past school year our focus was on the safety of students and staff, continuity in programming and...

Enrichments That Promote Academic Success

Enrichments That Promote Academic Success

Enrichments are a vital part of the Beacon Network Schools programming. These unique, diversified experiences afford all students exposure to a vast expanse of learning opportunities with the goal of increasing access and extending students’ interests and curiosity....

Enriching Lives. . . Giving that Enhances the Student Experience

Enriching Lives. . . Giving that Enhances the Student Experience

Each year, the Beacon Network hosts an event that seeks to inform and inspire those across our expansive community to generously give in support of the programming and priorities that make the comprehensive experiences of our students unique and meaningful. This...

BNS CMAS 2021 Schedule

BNS CMAS 2021 Schedule

We will be completing our CMAS testing for students that are in-person learning or those who are fully remote but are opting into testing next week. Testing will take place on Tuesday, April 13th, Wednesday, April 14th, and Thursday, April 15th during normal school hours. Please see below for details on testing for each grade level.

How Families Can Assist Their Students as We Move Beyond COVID

How Families Can Assist Their Students as We Move Beyond COVID

Familial and community support is a critical factor in students maximizing their full potential and as the Beacon Network, we strive to continuously recognize this invaluable partnership. Over the last year, the student experience has been significantly impacted by...

Happy Spring BReak – Important return to School Info

Happy Spring BReak – Important return to School Info

Happy Spring Break!  As we return from break, please make note of the following schedule change. Both cohorts A and B will be in school M-Thursday from 8:50 am to 2:35 pm. Friday will be a Remote day, except for students placed in small groups or the center programs....

Finding Our Way “Home” – Returning to a New Normal at School

Finding Our Way “Home” – Returning to a New Normal at School

As we help our students thrive, grow and flourish, as the Beacon Network, we are well aware must address their entire experience through our interactions and learning plan. As we continue to traverse the COVID19 pandemic - its impact and its aftermath- we must...

Returning and Refocusing After COVID19

Returning and Refocusing After COVID19

We are all aware that the COVID19 pandemic has significantly impacted almost every aspect of our lives. The educational arena, specifically the public school system, has absolutely felt the effects of this extended, unprecedented medical crisis. As we slowly shift...