Return to School Orientation

Jan 16, 2021

We are now preparing for the return to school and implementation of our hybrid learning model. Next week on Wednesday, January 20 at 5:00pm we will offer an opportunity for families to meet virtually with school leaders to review the timeline and health & safety precautions, and for all your questions to be answered. Regardless of whether you are staying remote or your child is returning, this event will allow you to connect with the school and begin to visualize our learners returning in a few weeks.

On Friday, January 22, in preparation for the student’s return, they will check-in and participate in a student orientation that will be led by the deans. The remainder of the day will be a no-contact day and students are encouraged to complete independent work. Teachers will use the time to set up classrooms and prepare for the following week. 


KBMS Parenting Classes

KBMS Parenting Classes

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BNS Food Drive

BNS Food Drive

We are making our first Food Drive donation this week. We are looking for food donation items to restock our pantry again this year. If you have any extra food at home that you would like to donate, please drop it off on Wednesday. We also have a list on the flyer...

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